Marcadé is committed to a sustainable development process (ISO 20121 CERTIFICATION) aimed at rethinking its environmental, economic and social impact.

Our 12-point responsibility charter:

Through this charter, we ensure that our purchases come from responsible chains and that our facilities are recycled or given a second life. We reduce and sort waste and surplus food. We work with local teams in order to favour short circuits and limit travel. We select and/or sensitise our partners in a mutual improvement approach. These few examples illustrate a more global approach to CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) with the objective of sustainable development of the projects produced from our Parisian agency.

1. Travel less, travel better

Team and guest travel accounts for up to 80% of an event's CO2 emissions. We are committed to making travel more environmentally friendly, reducing it or cancelling it if it is not necessary.

2. Environmentally responsible design and production

A responsible event must be thought of as such from the first stroke of the pen. We integrate a responsible approach from the creation phase and throughout our production process.

3. Give preference to recycled, rented or reusable materials

As single use is a major source of waste, we favour recycled, rented or reusable materials in order to give a second life to materials.

4. Participate in the local economy

With a view to reducing travel and respecting the regions, we are committed to being players in the regional economies.

5. Waste reduction, sorting and recycling

We adopt a policy of waste reduction at our events, reinforced by a sorting and recycling objective.

6. Reduction of single-use plastic

Plastic is everywhere in our daily lives. Its composition and production are increasingly harmful to the environment. We are committed to eliminating single-use plastic at our events.

7. Responsible catering

In collaboration with catering specialists, we favour responsible catering: seasonal, local, eco-packed, etc. We also redistribute unused food surpluses to associations.

8. Transition to clean energy

We favour green energy networks for the consumption generated by our events and travel.

9. Promote responsible venues

When scouting, we give priority to responsible locations: geographical location, appropriate scenographic intervention, energy performance, living comfort, accessibility, neighbourhood involvement, etc.

10. Involvement of suppliers in the process

We select and/or sensitise our partners in a mutual improvement process.

11. Social commitment

We want to integrate the social dimension into our approach by establishing a professional and caring atmosphere.

12. Post-event review for continuous improvement

In the interest of continuous improvement, we draw up reports at the end of each event to ensure the proper implementation of our responsibility charter.